birthpush goth girl

Birthpush – Goth Girl

Transplanted from Baltimore, Maryland to Jacksonville, Florida, Kiernan Hutchinson is Birthpush. What began as a solo project lost in the midst of producing local acts, the self-branded “goth pop” persona became a genre-bending collaboration between Kiernan’s hard rock and blues influence and Jacinto Sims II’s jazz piano and saxophone performance. The blend, held together by bone-crushing electronic production, makes for a unique unification of pop, jazz, and metal, with an undeniable surf rock appeal.

Birthpush will be breaking into the scene with their debut release, Goth Girl, a three-track single set to drop in mid-April of 2020. The title track leaves nothing to the imagination, with Kiernan’s lyrical adoration of a goth girl driving this upbeat, tongue-in-cheek tune. The following track, Tongue, mellows out into a lethargic exploration of jazz piano chords, flighty saxophone phrases, and overdriven guitar harmonies, accompanied by Kiernan’s torpid voicemail vocals. Paper Cuts, the third and final track, returns to a lighter mood with the sounds of rolling beach waves, koto melodies, and backing blues organ, sitting comfortably around Kiernan’s satirical response to anyone who thinks his lyrics are too “abrasive.”